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Ruth's Boutique Lunch and Learn and Pop Up Boutiques
These programs provide essentials to the whole family allowing them to continue to go to work and school. Shoppers can pick out their own items for free and express their individuality. A free meal is offered and there is a speaker who provides a short talk on their discipline. Ruth's Boutique Lunch and Learn occurs on the first Saturday of every month from 10:30- 12:00.
Pop Up Boutiques bring the essentials to the community. Those who have barriers accessing items due to transportation or other factors can shop in their own space. Ideal sites for Pop Ups: Senior Centers, Community Centers, Food Pantries, etc. Call to schedule a Pop Up Boutique at your site. 330-980-0729.

Getting Ahead in a Just Gettin' By World and Staying Ahead
Getting Ahead is a 16-20 week class for adults who want to learn how to get ahead in their lives. Financial literacy, capacity building and future planning are a big part of this. In this program, barriers are removed by offering a meal, incentives and more! This allows the participant to truly absorb the information. Those who want to move forward in the process can attend Staying Ahead meetings. These occur once a month, often with a speaker, and build on the skills already taught. Those in this program become mentors to others and the focus is on volunteering, community service and continued individual growth. Many Staying Ahead participants have shown interest in facilitating a future Getting Ahead group!

Mental Health First Aid
This class is offered to equip everyday folks with the tools to help someone in crisis. We are more likely to come across someone having a mental health issue than a heart attack. This program assists in having the tools to help someone in need get to the professionals that can help them. Many organizations will qualify for a free class. Call to schedule for your business, group or church 330-980-0729.

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