We met Ed and Margaret a few years ago at Ruth’s Boutique. They come to the event every month. Margaret always left with the items she needed, but her husband, Ed, would ask when we were beginning a Men’s Boutique. The items provided during the Boutique allowed the shoppers to have basic hygiene supplies. This is a necessity that some have a hard time attaining as it’s cost prohibitive to purchase a lot of these items when you are on a budget. In time, because of suggestions by Ed and others, we added men’s supplies and then children and baby supplies to the boutique. We have also added limited supplies of pet food. It truly became a family affair.
The Lunch and Learn format was added to the shopping experience in October 2022.
These speakers have all shared their expertise with Ruth’s Boutique participants while they ate a delicious meal. Ed and Margaret gave us good feedback. They offered for some of the speakers to come to speak at their group meetings as well. They shared the information with those they cared about.
Margaret decided she’d like to become a part of a new program we were starting, Getting Ahead in a Just Gettin’ By World. This program is 16 weeks and encourages its participants to investigate their resources and hidden talents. It is a motivator for change. This program has some things built in:
A meal for the Investigators
A weekly incentive as a way to honor the investigator and to acknowledge that this is a focus group that gives real-life feedback on what it is like to live in the community
The reason for this structure is simple. This removes barriers. When one is hungry, they cannot focus and if they are honored with an incentive, it shows they are valued.
Margaret was one of eight Investigators and worked very hard alongside her classmates during the 16 week class. She was moving forward in her confidence and was developing positive plans for her future. However, tragedy occurred and she lost 2 adult children in the span of a month during this class. It was devastating. She was in need of support and had a lot of it because she had an intensive program that was supportive and relational in nature. Each of the fellow investigators have supported her in different ways during a time that she was grieving the most difficult loss one can have.
Today Margaret is a part of the Staying Ahead arm of Thrive 10:10 which is Aftercare for Getting Ahead and she is healing. Time marches on, but her grief is still paralyzing at times. She knows that there are people who care and she has reached out for support when needed. She is mentoring other people. She is leading even though she is hurting.
Ed participated in the second round of Getting Ahead classes and is working on his future story as well. They never give up. They always think about others. They are willing to help as volunteers whenever needed.
Thrive 10:10 offers people the ability to receive something that is a necessity in its boutique. Over a meal and through relationships, trust is built and there are individuals who want to try to learn new things- this is what Getting Ahead in a Just Gettin’ By World is. It allows participants the ability to seek out new possibilities- to dream again. Some of the participants never knew they could dream because they never had the opportunity. Staying Ahead is an aftercare for the graduates of Getting Ahead. This is an opportunity to meet monthly and the focus is on volunteerism, relationship building, exploration of next steps and goal-setting. The Staying Ahead participants have an opportunity to mentor the Investigators in Getting Ahead by providing insights and helping at the weekly meetings. It is very possible for an individual following the path we just laid out to be in a relationship with Thrive 10:10 programs for 3-4 years as a participant with many opportunities for volunteering during that time.
Ed and Margaret began with us a few years ago and are still walking alongside and bringing others along. This is what being a human is all about. Sharing the good and the bad so that the beauty shines through.